April 27. 2023

Dear Thursday, thank-you for rain and clouds and a little spring clean around the house. Dear Jana + Kirstin thank you for cry laughing at the stuff I send you and thank you for missing me. Just come home soon ok! Dear Oilers… i am your biggest fan and I feel it in my blue toes that you will be winning this series. Amen. Dear Smart 💡… only took me forever but now I can shut off my bedside lights with my phone. Jana, look at me go!! Dear Friends… thank you for buying up allllll my paintings. I have two left and I feel very blessed that people would love my work enough to want to see it everyday. 😭

Dear God, tonight I am just so in awe of your goodness, grace and love in my heart and in my life. I am so deeply thankful for every. little. thing. You do for me. In alert expectancy such as this, I’m never left feeling shortchanged. My hope in You never disappoints. Never.


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